How to get ISOLA-GUI
The latest, full distribution can be downloaded here
After file extraction, study the instructions for installation and use of the software here
A full run of the ISOLA code is given here as an example (zip file ~37Mb). The file includes raw data as sac files, ISOLA data files, green functions, elementary seismograms and isola output files.
Software needed to run ISOLA-GUI
In order to use ISOLA-GUI, you need to have the following software installed
- Matlab 9.6 (R2019a) is the version used for development. Newer versions should work also.
Most of the Matlab GUI code can run under Unix or Linux OS without modifications - GMT (tested with version 4.*,5*,6*)
- M_Map, this is a freeware matlab based package, it is used in map creation within Matlab
- Ghostscript and GsView for Postscript files display.
A Fortran compiler is also needed if you want to recompile the Fortran code (you may use Fortran Powerstation 4.0 or gfortran).